Thursday, June 21, 2012


              The topic that we discussed this week is How to be a good or an effective teacher. There are two qualities to be a good and effective teacher. The PERSONAL QUALITIES and THE PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES.  In personal qualities, the teacher must have a pleasing personality, in a good health. The emotional of the teacher must in control. If ever he/she has a problem in his /her house, he /she should not bring it at school. Also, he/she has intelligence and in a pleasant voice. He/she should helpful and has sympathy to their students. The positive way of thinking and outlook must wear by the teacher. And in professional Qualities, the teacher should master his lesson to be discussed to their students. He/she should understand their learner, the methods of their teaching strategy, their general understanding in other field of knowledge. We also discussed the role of the teacher to their students, the role of the learner, the instruction methods, and the curriculum.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Beyond my imagination

                             Each person has a different imagination and its imagination reflects to our self. We are a real artist in our life. We paint different ideas and we picture it out to our imagination. That is why, everything was happened and all possible things will happened inside our mind, which is in reality is impossible to be.  Beyond of our imagination is a largest place which we can draw out what does we want and what we want to be happen.