Thursday, July 5, 2012


In our 2nd discussion, the reporter was Miss Aiza Entor. She reported on how the learners can learn easily. Well, as a learner, I can learn more through my experiences in our life. Of course, every time we discussed and relate those discussions to our experiences we can understand it easily. It is not only in experience of life, we can also learn through observation, attend and listen a lecture and sometimes reading books. But also by an interaction of the environment and also due to practice we can learn a different knowledge that we want to learn. In every situation in our everyday life, there was a learning process that we find out.


  1. yes..through observation and experiences you will totally learn...

  2. I agree with you through our observation we can easily learn.....

  3. you have a point on that... sometimes we are interested to listen in the class specially, the topic is reliable to you.
