Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"Taxonomy objectives"

               Before we start our daily activities for our learners, first we should planned what goals do we apply to our students. We should know the objectives that we will be after the activity that we have given to them. But, before we use those objectives, we must check it, if it will be fit to the learners and if the objectives that we have used contain the three classifications of objectives. Yes, the objectives of every activity classified into three, it could be a cognitive, affective, and psycho motor. Your objectives should have a cognitive domain, which is the target are the mental skills of the learners. It will help your students to practice their mental abilities like memorizing the topic that you have discussed to them. Also, your objectives should have an affective domain. The target of the affective domain is the growth in feelings or emotional areas or it could be your attitudes. And the last is psycho motor domain which is the target are your physical skills. Examples of the psycho motor domain are demonstration or actual experimentation. These three domains help you in motivating your students and helping them in having an interest all the activities in your class.

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